Canceling COVID

Good news!! COVID and all the draconian mandates surrounding the pandemic, and the virus itself is being cancelled as I write this post evidenced by three stories. The first one is my experience with COVID here at home. The second is in Canada regarding the truckers convoy, and the third story comes from reports throughout Europe.

Let’s begin with my story here at home. The reason I haven’t posted for the past two weeks is because our household came down with Omicron. We had been to a weekend seminar where we apparently picked it up and started experiencing symptoms 2-3 days later. First, it was just a bit of a scratchy throat. Then it progressed into a low grade fever and no energy. But that’s about as bad as it got. I basically slept my way through the 10-14 day process. One by one we all got it, some experiencing more of a sore throat than others, but all in all we’re back to normal. The good news is that we now have COVID antibodies and our natural immunity is stronger than ever. We applied the recommended early treatments and other home remedies to a successful outcome. We’re grateful that during the more pathogenic variants that God covered us with Psalm 91 and 34 as we had prayed. In addition, we’re grateful that we were open to get this variant to have natural immunity that is far greater than any injection. So, COVID has been cancelled in our house!

The second story is happening in Canada right now. The draconian COVID mandates are being canceled as I’m writing this post. The Canadian trucker convoy’s situation is very fluid, but it appears that the truckers and the 100’s of thousands of supporters all along their journey across Canada is making a difference. As they stand up to the ridiculous governmental mandates and the bad mouthing by Prime Minister Trudeau of the truckers, shifts in policies are taking place. For up to date information regarding this current situation go to the Rebel News Channel on YouTube. Once again, COVID is being cancelled!

The third story comes from Episode 253: Canceling COVID at The Highwire with Del Bigtree and The Jaxen Report at time stamp 31:20. Jefferey Jaxen shows headlines across Europe and how they are canceling mandates and opening up the countries including France. These are encouraging reports, although, governments never give away their power so we’ll see how they try to control the people in the future. However, for now, the COVID “plandemic” is being cancelled!

Positive things happen when people stand up to evil. “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 May you stand up for truth and freedom and cancel COVID! May God’s protection bless you so you can bless others In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below.