New Year, Fresh Start

Happy New Year! I hope your festivities and celebrations this holiday season were wonderfully memorable and blessed! A new year provides the opportunity for a fresh start. So, we’re beginning this year by asking four questions that will help guide us to live life more abundantly.

These four questions come from Dr. Lance Wallnau’s “Level 10 Living” curriculum. Click on the title and you’ll see a plethora of information. However, today we’ll just look at these four questions. They are:

  1. What’s going right in my life?

  2. What’s going wrong in my life?

  3. What’s confused in my life?

  4. What’s missing in my life?

Write these four questions on a piece of paper in columns or with enough space in between the questions to write out your answers. Once you’ve written out your answers, then ask yourself the goal questions. In the end, all these answers will then reveal the core issues that may be hindering you from an abundant life.

The goal for the first question is to optimize what is going right in your life. What do you need to do to maintain or increase those good things? The goal for the second question is to change what is going wrong in your life. What needs to be reset, tweaked, or deleted?

The goal for the third question is to clarify what has been confusing. What misunderstanding, fear, or ongoing unresolved frustration needs addressing? The goal for the fourth question is to add to your life what has been missing. What creative steps do you need to take to help you move forward to fill the void or add to your life that which has been absent?

Finally as you look over your answers, they will reveal the core issues that need dissolving or realigning for a more fulfilling life. Remember that in this life there are all kinds of things trying to wipe us out. But this is what Jesus the Good Shepherd said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

May you take the time to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd guiding you to an abundant life. Doing what He says is the path of blessing for you and others In Jesus Name! Go forth, bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below.