Sabbath vs. the Luciferian Spirit


In last week’s blog post, The Jehu Revelation, I outlined the characters of that story corresponding them with people groups of today. I also briefly mentioned that the Luciferian spirit is the next and final principality after the fall of the Jezebelic spirit. I’ve written multiple posts about the Luciferian spirit and you can read them here. However, in today’s post I would like to focus in on how this spirit hates the Creation Sabbath, and I believe it’s the final battle of earth’s history.

First, a little review. Who was Jesus primary enemy? Was it Rome or the religious leaders? Obviously it was the religious leaders or the “church”. So, in these last days, who do you think is going to be our biggest persecutors? Will it be the government or the “church”? Well, it’s a yes to both, but led by the corrupt “church” leaders. Who would have such global power?

With the election of President Trump, the King of the South in Dan 11 which is Islam, has had it’s power greatly diminished. As it’s being taken out, however, another King has been quietly filling the void, the King of the North which is the Papal system (read more here). As we know, Islam keeps Friday as their holy day, and the Papal system instituted and keeps Sunday as their holy day. Which day did God declare holy? The Creation Sabbath Gen 2. This means that Lucifer/Satan hates the Creation Sabbath and will work through the “church” or King of the North to take out the Bride of Christ. This appears to be the final conflict because the good news is that Jesus comes in Dan 12. Hallelujah!


The two videos below give some historical evidence of the final battle that is to come. The first video depicts what happened in 1888 in the US Congress and how the Sunday laws were proposed and then shut down. Even though these laws were shut down then, many Sunday laws, also known as blue laws are still in effect. I believe these Sunday laws will be brutally enforced once again by the Luciferian spirit as he wars with the children of God over the day of worship.

The second video is a portion of an interview about Roger Morneau’s story of how he came out of a Luciferian Secret Society and why he became a Sabbath keeping follower of Jesus. It’s a fascinating story and I will share more about it in the next blog post. Stayed tuned for my review of the book/movie “Charmed by Darkness” the autobiography of Roger Morneau.

The point is this, today we see the Marxist Globalists shutting down churches, and would get rid of them altogether if they could. However, the King of the North is rising and the final shaking of the church will be next. “And the dragon [Satan] was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus.” Revelation 12:17

But do not fear and be encouraged because Jesus said, “Look, I will force those who belong to Satan’s synagogue—those liars who say they are Jews but are not—to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.” Revelation 3:9

May you know that Jesus is THE victorious warrior over the Luciferian spirit, and Jesus will never leave us or forsake us as we follow His commandments. His kingdom is coming and you can be a part of it. When you know this in your heart of hearts, you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.