The Jehu Revelation


What does an old Bible story reveal to us today? How does Jezebel vs. Jehu relate with any of our horrific current events? Well, as it’s been said before, history does repeat itself. The details are different, but the plot line doesn’t change much. So, let’s dive in and unpack the story of Jehu to see what insights we can glean from the past, to help us see what is coming in the future.

First, if you’ve not recently read the story of Jehu and Jezebel, pause and take a couple of minutes to read 2 Kings chapters 9-10, and Rev. 2:18-29. These two passages will provide the context for the Jehu revelation. Today’s current events with the pandemic, which is being powered by the spirit of witchcraft, manipulation, and control (which is the definition of the Jezebel spirit), and the destructive riots, the Jehu story is one of bloody war but ultimate victory.

This revelation started unfolding back in the early 1990’s when Bill and Hillary Clinton came on the national political scene. I didn’t understand who all the characters represented at that time, however, with the current political and social events, the pieces have fallen into place and seem to fit together. It’s good news because as we look at who the characters represent, we can see that victory is not far away.

You know the plot line, Jehu kills Jezebel and all of Ahab’s family. But, who do each of the characters represent today? Here is a list of what I’ve observed to this point.

The spirit of Elisha - true religious leaders, or apostles and prophets of our day that predicted the current Jehu and anointed him. For example people like Kim Clement, Dr. Lance Wallnau, Cindy Jacobs, Paula White. There were many others around the world who reported having visions and dreams of the current Jehu.

The spirit of Ahab - weak religious and political leaders who have been apathetic and tolerant of the Jezebelic spirit, and have a “go-along-to-get-along” attitude in order to not “make waves”. They have been or are in the “grace” ditch that tolerates evil. These people would include RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only) and CHRINO’s (Christians In Name Only). For example like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Bill Clinton, and I’m sorry to say Bill Hybels also falls into this category. Of course there are many other Pastors and leaders that could be added to this list as well.

The spirit of Jezebel - the political left, the deep state, socialist communist Marxism, the cancel culture mindset which does everything in it’s power to control, manipulate, lie, kill, steal and viciously attack anyone who opposes it’s narrative. This demonic principality is murderous by killing babies, working to destroy the traditional family, pushing sexual abomination through media etc., and assaulting the innocent with LGBTQ and SJW movements. It combats the truth with disinformation, chaos, and confusion. Examples of people who have manifested this spirit are the “church lady” type, the COVID “Karens, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the AOC and the Squad, Democrat Governors/Mayors (male and female). The list is extensive, but you get the idea.

The spirit of Jehu - “hot blooded”, “drives like a madman”, a warrior and fighter, anointed by God, and in the end destroys the Jezebel/Ahab mindset. People that have manifested this spirit are President Trump who is currently bringing down the “deep state”, other political leaders like Rep. Devin Nunes, Rep.Jim Jordan, Charlie Kirk who is the founder of Turning Point USA, and other people young and old a like who are standing up and speaking out against evil.

Note: “But Jehu did not obey the Law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart. He refused to turn from the sins that Jeroboam had led Israel to commit.” 2 Kings 10:31 Since I don’t know the hearts of the people mentioned, I am not saying they will be like Jehu in this regard. However, time will tell.


Eunuchs - those who have been psychologically neutered, emasculated and thus have had their power taken away from them. I believe this has been happening to white men through the feminist movement, and the black American community since the time of President Johnson. This is evidenced by the fact that 900 black babies are aborted everyday by Planned Parenthood, Clinton/Biden’s crime bill that unfairly jailed many in the black community, Mother’s being paid child support from the government only if the fathers of the babies are NOT living in the home. There are more facts and evidence, but to better understand why I believe this revelation is true, read up on the Blexit movement. If enough blacks wake up to what has been happening to them by the Democrat party and they vote for Trump, they will throw the Democrat godless/Jezeblic platform out the window.

The Horses - I believe the horses represent the true Christian Trump supporters/voters who know how to rule in the spirit realm. Praying, speaking in due season and standing for the truth, and voting Judean/Christian values will destroy the Jezeblic spirit.

The Dogs - This was the last piece of the revelation that came to me. It wasn’t until the riots and the call to defund the police that the representation became clear. Jews, Christians, and good cops have stood in the way for the Jezebelic spirit to take complete control. These groups honor God and the rule of law. This is why there has been so much persecution of these groups now and over the decades, and the reason the Jezebelic spirit wants to not just get rid of them, but to viciously annihilate them.

However, the good cops/law enforcement will be taking to prison those who have been manifesting the Jezebelic spirit. I believe we will see this happening much more after the next election if and when Trump is reelected. I believe President Trump will be reelected but it may not happen as we expect. We’re in crazy times and we need to just hold on to God.

Note: Like the leftover bones of Jezebel (skull, hands, and feet), so there will be those who have this spirit and mindset that remain in society until Jesus comes again. However, Jesus’ coming will be delayed until the Luciferian spirit has fully manifested. Read more about it here.

It’s a lot to consider, but I would love to know what you think. I hope this revelation gives you the courage to NOT tolerate the Jezebelic spirit in your sphere of influence. Ask God how he wants you to act to help defeat this demonic principality. Each of us have a role. “All hands on deck”. as they say. God’s kingdom is victorious and we are blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant. Subscribe and comment below.
