President's Day - It's Good To Remember


As you know, last Monday was President’s Day. It is a day most known for Federal offices, including Post Offices, and banks to be closed. For the retail sector, it is another day to push a marketing campaign to sell more goods. For the rest of us, it is just another work day. However, this year I was a bit more intentional about remembering what our founding father’s endured to birth this great nation and to keep it united.

Last Tuesday, we watched the final episodes of a TV series about the life of George Washington. The struggles he experienced were gut wrenching and horrific. His wisdom and courage were heroic, and the fact that he’s known as the Father Of Our Country is a very well deserved title.

On CBN News, an article and video was posted that shared some interesting insights into the character of the founding fathers. “Some people say Washington is the greatest man in Western Civilization for the two things he DIDN’T do: he didn’t quit when all was lost and he didn’t become king when all was won, “ Lillback remarked. (3:45 on the video from CBN - click here). George Washington’s attitudes and behaviors replicated the mind of Christ. I love the fact that these attitudes and behaviors are in the DNA of this country. Even though we have been witnessing deep corruption in the government these days, and behaviors that are not like the mind of Christ, there will always be those who will have this DNA mindset in our nation. Even in the end times, there will be a remnant who have the mind of Christ.


The question is do you have the mind of Christ? Are you being triggered by others and life circumstances, or are you thinking about God’s will for you. Once again let’s remember the words of Paul. “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2

May you be inspired by the commitment and dedication of Washington’s life, and let God transform your thinking. As you grow in your understanding of how to think like God, you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! God forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.