

Today’s blog is exciting to write about because I believe this information can radically change your life for the better. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” I’ve read this verse many times, but didn’t totally understand how to “renew my mind”. How do you exactly do that? How do you recompute your brain?

For years we’ve been told to recite scripture and apply positive thinking techniques, etc., which has kinda worked but not really, leaving us frustrated and in despair. How many times have we asked ourselves, why do I continue to do the very things I don’t want to do, and don’t do the things I want to do, like Paul describes in Romans 7:19-25 How do I stop being a slave to sin? Well, recently I came across a couple of great resources that will help us answer those questions.

The first resource is an article titled How God Changes Your Brain by Dr. Mark Virkler. Dr. Virkler shares six neural-altering techniques with corresponding scriptures. These techniques can be easily incorporated into your Listening Prayer time. Whether you implement one or all, just be sure to take action.

But first, check out the second resource which is the video below. The explanation of how the mind works will help you better understand how to reprogram your mind. Dr. Leaf, the christian brain scientist I’ve mentioned before, talks about some of the things stated in the video, but the video brings another perspective that I found very helpful.

Before watching it, however, I need to disclose that Dr. Lipton is not a christian, but is a secular molecular biologist. I want to make that distinction so you understand his worldview and be able to discern and extrapolate how as Holy Spirit filled believers, we can apply the science he talks about.


For example, he talks a lot about hypnosis. Don’t be freaked out by the word as I was initially. Understand that the theta brain wave is also known as the hypnagogic state, and this is the brain frequency where we can literally change our programming.

This is how God created us, and it’s so awesome! The practice of hypnosis has been hijacked by the enemy for his evil purposes. However, this is one more example where we need to take back and rightly apply for God’s glory and our blessing what the devil has stolen and twisted to control us. If there’s a counterfeit, there’s a true. Let’s trust the Holy Spirit to help us discern the truth.

Obviously the mind is very complex, but basically the mind is like a computer. The brain is the hardware and the mind is the software. The mind is further divided into two parts - the conscious (like our computer screen), and the subconscious (like the coding of the software programs). The conscious operates 5% of the time at 40 bits per second, and the subconscious operates 95% of the time at 40 million bits per second. By changing the “bugs”, or lies in our software programs, which is in our subconscious mind, and replace them with the truths of God’s kingdom, then we will manifest the fruit of the Spirit, become free from the chains of sin, and enjoy an abundant life in Christ. .

Life, of course, is not always that easy, but I do believe it can be that simple. Don’t over complicate it, and take some type of action everyday. That’s how habits are formed and your mind is renewed.

Psalms 139:14 says, “I praise You, [Oh Lord] for I am awesomely, wonderfully made! Wonderful are Your works—and my soul knows that very well.” As you apply the science of the gospel, may your mind be transformed so you will be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name Amen!