Happy New Year 2020!


Can you believe it? It’s almost 2020! How time flies! The Hebrew year 5780 already started on Sept. 29, 2019. It’s a new decade, and the possibilities for new beginnings bring excitement and hope, if we so choose. But what is God saying for this new year 5780/2020?

Let’s start by looking at the Hebrew letter Pey/Fey. It is the number 80 and below is a quote from the website Hebrew4Christians.com which describes it’s meaning.

“The word Peh means “mouth” and by extension, “word,” “expression,” “vocalization,” “speech,” and “breath.” In the order of the Hebrew alphabet, Pey follows the letter ‘Ayin, suggesting the priority of the eyes (i.e., understanding, awareness) before verbal expression (negatively, reversing this order results in “blind consumption” or mindless chatter). The chokhmah (wise one) is swift to observe and then to offer an opinion about something. ‘Ayin gives insight, but it is the peh (mouth) that gives insight expression.” Hebrew4Christians.com

Couple that definition with the concept of 20/20 vision and you truly have “inSIGHTful expression.” It’s the year of The Sword of Truth as Patricia King describes in her vision in the video below.

Besides being a mature and insightful prophetic word for this new year, I knew Patricia was speaking truth because my daughter, Heather, had a similar vision during a church service that she had been visiting at the beginning of this month. Heather too saw a very large sword that was taller than the church. It started cutting deep into the foundation, from the front of the church right to the back. I’ve listened to other prophetic voices who have basically said similar things. But what does it all mean?


Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Eph 6:17 says, “Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Rev. 19:15 says, “In his mouth he held a sharp sword to strike down the nations; he ruled them with an iron grip; and he trod the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.”

As we put all these pieces of information together, I believe this new year will be a year when Truth will be revealed. In addition, the sword is the only offensive weapon in Eph 6:10-20 in “The Whole Armor of God.” So, not only will truth be revealed, but principalities and powers will be defeated, and justice will be served. This is how Jesus defeated Satan with the three temptations by saying “It is written…” in Matt 4:1-11. We know these truths, now it’s time to become an expert swordsman like Jesus. “You know these things—now do them! That is the path of blessing.” John 13:17

Throughout this new year, may you open your mouth with insightful expression and speak the truth in love, defeating darkness in and around you. You will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth as an expert swordsman, bold, blessed, and brilliant!