Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

A couple of weeks ago I began reading the Christmas story in Luke 1. However, I barely got started when what I read stopped me in my tracks. Gabriel had given Mary a very important message. “Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” Luke 1:38 Why did her response rivet my attention?

In answering that question, I need to take you back in time to the Cultural Moments Conference held Nov. 14-16, 2019 in Cleveland, OH. While there, I signed up to be prophesied over. It was an amazing experience. The words spoken over me are personal, but when I read Mary’s response, my thoughts went immediately to the three people who spoke over me.


Mary’s response resonated in my soul and I too felt just like Mary did. I said, “Yes Lord, may everything you have said about me come true.” I couldn’t help but get emotional and cry. That’s just what happens when heaven touches my heart. Like Mary, I don’t understand how the prophetic words will unfold, but I’m grateful to be favored by God. He loves and honors me, and He wants to love and honor you too.

Mary, of course, was greatly favored and honored. Not only did she make history, the birth of Jesus divided history between B.C. and A.D., or B.C.E. and C.E. (watch my last post The Amazing History of Christmas). Little did she realize that her little family would have such a ginormous impact on earth that would ripple throughout the universe!

Obviously our families will not have the same impact in the galaxies as Mary’s, but we can positively affect those around us. We can share the love of God to others as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. Remember what Jesus said, “The king will answer, “Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.” Matt 25:40 In other words, loving others is not just giving them physical things they may need, but also helping them see themselves as God sees them. This is the essence of personal prophesies that can change the history of that person’s life.

Like Mary, we may not understand what God wants to do in our lives to impact our history and the history of other people’s lives, but may we respond like she did. May we come into agreement with God, so that we can be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Merry Christmas as you go forth blessed, bold, and brilliant!
