Occupy and Updates

Hey everyone now that my Sabbatical is over, I’m excited to share with you what I’ve been doing! In fact my family and I have been “occupying” the land, but more about that later. Also, I’m very grateful, proud, and blessed to be celebrating my 5th blogiversary. Lastly, I’ll be announcing an update regarding the direction of this blog.

1. 5th Blogiversary - It’s hard to believe that we’re celebrating the 5th blogiversary of this blog! My first post was June 28, 2017, and since then I’ve been sharing the truths that God has brought to me to tell the world. I’ve been so grateful for this platform because there have been times when I didn’t feel like any local believers were listening.

But, throughout the years knowing that thousands of cyber readers from 100 different countries around the globe were out there, that kept me going. Thank you for taking the time to read and share my posts, and to comment, subscribe, and donate. I pray that the information has blessed you in a way that you will be able to bless others In Jesus Name!

2. Blog Update - Over my Sabbatical, I’ve sensed God leading me in slightly different direction. I feel like I’ve poured out my heart and shared a lot of information that I’ve personally found very helpful in my life on this blog. I will continue to do that, however, I will no longer be posting every Friday morning. The posts will be coming on a more sporadic schedule. This could mean multiple posts in a week to posts every month. I don’t know and time will tell.

What I do know is that God is shifting my focus to actually applying these truths in ministering to others. We are in a time of earth’s history that we need to go from the information phase to an activation phase. There is so much evil going on in this world that we need all hands on deck. So, continue to learn and grow, but apply what you are learning. Remember in spiritual warfare that all the spiritual books and teachers can be great information, but the promises in the Bible are for activating the spiritual realm (angels and the heavenly hosts). “You know these things—now do them! That is the path of blessing.” John 13:17

3. Occupy - Over the past couple of years as the “curtains have been drawn back”, we have seen deeper levels of corruption in our governments, health systems, school systems, and corporations, etc. than we ever realized. To observe such level of evil globally begs the question, “What should I be doing business wise till Jesus comes?” Because, it looks like He needs to come soon or these evil systems will destroy the earth and everyone on it.

God reminded me of this verse, “And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:13 KJV I didn’t understand what the word “occupy” meant. So I looked this verse up in several versions. The English Standard Version made sense to me. “Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come.’ Luke 19:13 ESV Luke 19:13 NLT version uses the word “invest”.

Knowing that we can’t rely on these corrupt systems, we realized we needed to do things differently. As my husband Bill nears retirement age, we knew that we could not depend on the government Social Security income. We always wanted to own rental properties and this is how God has led us. Even though it has been a challenging journey, I’m happy to announce that during my Sabbatical, we completed remodeling our first duplex investment property and it is fully rented.

Along the way, I questioned if this was the right step for us to take. But, God would remind me to “occupy” till He comes again. Since we don’t know exactly when that is, we’re moving forward in faith, knowing that He will be with us no matter what happens. Our goal is to continue to invest and help others by providing good rental properties. The good news for everyone is that difficult times can provide new and unique opportunities that will bring upgrades.

May our experience encourage you to “occupy” till Jesus comes again according to His direction. Current times can be difficult, and it appears that more difficult times are ahead. But know that as you activate His word (His promises), you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below.