2000 Mules Movie

My goal for this blog is to be an information station by sharing the truth that sets us free from deception. Today’s post is beyond politics and the left and right ideologies. It’s about truth and freedom of choice. The movie trailer for 2000 Mules below shows one of the ways the 2020 US presidential election was stolen. What do we do about the apparent corruption? First become informed, like watching this movie trailer and learning more at True The Vote. Then share the information with others.

As I watched the election results come in the night of November 3rd, 2020 and into the wee hours of the morning, I saw in real time that major shenanigans were taking place in my home state. As a Michigander, I watched live streaming on YouTube of how official poll watchers were blocked from viewing the vote count. In prior elections, Wayne County, (Detroit, MI) was infamous for having more votes than actual voters in the county, and it looked like it was happening again. Unfortunately, the political elites on both sides of the isle did nothing, not even to investigate the complaints that were made in my state.

It was infuriating at the time, yet I kept thinking something was going to happen to right the wrong. Then as time went by and more evidence came out, many citizens, myself included, began to come to the horrific realization how deeply corrupted the government had become. It became clear that all branches of government couldn’t be trusted at all levels, even the Supreme Court. This realization solidified even more for me as tyrannical governments forced COVID mandates on people in the US and around the world.

The current events over the past couple of years remind me of this verse in Proverbs. “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Proverbs 29:2 How many people have been groaning around the world because of wicked rulers? The answer is millions, evidenced by the huge protests that have been happening in many countries.

In addition, what about the groans of the Ukrainian and Russian people. My heart goes out to all the Ukrainian and Russian women and children that have lost their homes, loved ones, and security. This would have never happened if President Trump had remained in office.

People hated Trump because of his brashness, and I didn’t like it either. However, ironically it was because of his brashness and boldness that there were no major wars started during his years in office. As Steve Bannon says, “Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences like what’s happening in Ukraine.”

The good news is that no matter what has happened or will happen in the future, Jesus is still King! No evil has ever been a surprise to Him, and He will have the ultimate victory in the end. “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17

In the meantime, when evil rules and we go through the days of end time shaking, may you “keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, who initiates and perfects our faith”. Hebrews 12:2 May you rejoice that His kingdom of righteous believers is increasing and at the right moment His return is imminent. May this truth give you hope and courage and bless you so you can bless others In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below!