Stranger In The Night 2/2
This post is just a quick update to my last post “Stranger In The Night”. As a 15 year homeschool veteran, I thought it would be fun to create some suggestions for a Unit Study. I hope this will inspire you to explore the more whether you are homeschooling or not.
Unit studies are designed for families of all ages to learn together while exploring the same topic. Obviously, older students do a more in depth study, while younger children discover and grow at their level. Ask questions and pursue the children’s interests.
Unit studies usually last for a semester, but some do it for a year. The purpose is to make learning fun while exploring the world in all these different subjects. We never did just a unit study per se, but the concept helped me make learning a lifestyle. It brought some structure, but was also fun and full of variety. Enjoy!
Unit Study Suggestions:
Bible - study angel encounters in the bible - Peter, Daniel, Elijah/servant saw host, etc.
Math - research how far is it around the equator, how many months was Bonnie in each location, if Bonnie was 21 in 1984, how old is she now? etc. Finances: how much will $10 buy in these countries? How many coins from that country will = $1.
Geography - locate the continents and countries in the story on a map
Indonesian Batik Fabric
Home Economics - Foods: learn about, make and/or taste foods from these countries i.e. Belize - ackee ackee fruit, Japan - sushi, Chinese, Indonesian/Malaysian, Thai unique dishes etc. Go to restaurants that specialize in these cuisines. We are blessed to have them all in Kazoo including a Malaysian/Indonesian restaurant call Rasa Ria. Textiles: Thai silk, Indonesian batik, etc. I have samples of each for those in my region. Sew a simple project using the regional fabrics or see if your local fabric store have some in stock.
Music - listen to unique musical instruments and their sounds from the different countries
Science - observe the climates and unique environments of the Far East vs. the USA vs. Central America
Writing - write simple reports, based on the age, what they learned about something they found interesting
Reading - check books out of the library about children from these countries to read
Art - create art like Japanese origami (my daughter Heather could help there lol!), Chinese characters, porcelain, etc. Have the children draw, color, or make something related to one of the countries they choose. Watch videos on YouTube of artisans from these countries creating their art.
You get the idea. Come up with some of your own. May these suggestions inspire you to explore the more, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below!