The Beauty Of Being Sheep

Every believer, at one time or another, questions whether they are hearing God or their own thoughts. In good times it’s easy to sense God’s voice in the beauty of the moment. But when life is hard, fearful, or troublesome, and you need guidance, that’s when doubt creeps into the mind. How do you know and can be sure that it’s God’s direction instead of your own thoughts and desires? In answering this question, I think this 14 minute video below with Robert Morris will be really helpful.

Morris shares examples from his own experience that I thought were practical, insightful, and inspirational. I think hearing God is easier when you believe God is speaking to his children, have personal experiences that affirm that faith, and you develop skills and tools to help hear him better. Like any growing relationship, it’s based on good communication, which means listening.

The wonderful news is that God put within us the ability to hear His voice. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 For me the question is not so much about God speaking, I know he does, but am I willing to really take the time to listen? Am I so caught up in my “hectic” and “chaotic” life of concerns and distractions that I miss “Being still and knowing that God is God”? Psalm 46:10

As Jesus’ return nears ever closer, we need to be mature listeners. May you hear his voice today and know that he is God and a good shepherd, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant. Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below.