A Sea Of Lies 1/3

BREAKING NEWS FROM DEL BIGTREE ON THE HIGHWIRE Episode 228! Today’s post contains urgent and vital information to help you navigate the Sea Of Lies coming from the government and corporate media regarding COVID-19. This info exposes the end game of the pandemic mandates ordered by the global elites, and what you can do about it. Are the mandates the pathway to the Mark of the Beast of Rev. 13:16-17?

Since March 2020, we have experienced how quickly our lives can change at the hands of unseen rulers. I believe we are now in another world war. However, this time the war is not nations against other nations. This time, it is world governments against the people. With these current events, it’s easy to see how rapidly end time prophecies can occur. Are you informed so that you can navigate the waters?

Click on the picture below to watch the breaking news from Del. It’s a long video so I listed the time stamps of the different reports so you could watch it in increments. However, if you’re like me, I couldn’t stop watching and before I knew it, I had watched the whole thing.

0:01:40 - CDC Director Dr. Rochell Walensky admits COVID-19 vaccines ‘Does Not Stop Transmission”.

0:05:00 - 50% of the US population is not getting vaccines and is not wearing masks, but what do we do about upcoming mandates? Stand up and say something like these people.

0:13:03 - Jeffery Jaxen Investigative Reporter reports on questionable science studies that the politicians are basing their draconian mandates on. He shows links and video clips that you can access and share with others.

00:52:05 - Dr. Barke, Board-Certified Primary Care Physician in California tells us why not to buy into Delta variant fears.

1:05:56 - Exclusive newly-unredacted bombshell Dr. Fauci email.

1:16:15 - Natural Immunity is the best solution so why the coming lockdowns and mandates? Is there something else going on here? Former Federal Official Catherine Austin Fitts shares an urgent warning for all Americans. What is the agenda and end game of the global elite? What can we do about it? Her website is Solari Report.

2:08:15 - The Highwire Hero Dana White, President of the Ultimate Fighting championship (UFC) says no to mandates at his sporting events.

2:10:50 - The icons of the pandemic are going down - Cuomo resigns, Newsome polls tank.

2:14:20 - MUST WATCH!! Rand Paul US Senator (R) KY - Choose Freedom - Resist oppression. (This video is also on YouTube click here)

As you process this info., may you know the truth that sets you free from fear, and empowers you to take some type of action that says no to oppression. Doing brings change that will be a blessing to you and others In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing, and commenting below.