New "Variants" New "Fears"?!

All over media the buzzword is “variants”. The Delta variant is the current strain of virus that the activist journalists and politicians are using to keep people in fear, and in turn to control society. However, I bring good news!! Dr. Kynan Bridges, in the video below, shares what spirit is behind these “variants”, and what you can do to be healthy.

Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Knowledge gives us power over our enemies, and the truth sets us free from fear. This is the reason for this blog, and the reason for this post. Whereas Bridges brings knowledge about these “variants” from a spiritual perspective, Del Bigtree shares a plethora of medical information on his website The HighWire with Del Bigtree.

For example, Del Bigtree interviews one legitimate expert that says, “ABOUT HALF THE CASES ARE VACCINE FAILURES”. That’s shocking! “Dr. Peter McCullough, joins the Highwire again, this time to discuss the serious problem with the efficacy of the #Covid19 vaccines and how mass vaccination is creating this runaway train of a pandemic.” Check out the many other articles and videos by clicking on the link above. Also, I highly recommend that you sign up for Del’s emails so you can stay informed and be courageous in standing up against tyranny.

As Jesus’ return nears, more and more we will need to “fight the good fight of faith” 1 Timothy 6:12. We need to remember to “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deut. 31:6

May you experience vibrant health as you apply the knowledge, faith, and courage of the Lord your God, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, commenting, and subscribing below.