Unity Or Conformity?


Over the last few weeks we’ve heard a lot about being unified. Politicians are calling for unity in our nation, and church leaders are calling for unity in the church. Furthermore, if you’re not complying or “unifying” with a certain ideology, cultural trend, or group think, then you’re cancelled, shamed, discriminated against, or worse. We must ask ourselves what we’re really wanting to “unify” with?

Pastor James Coates, who lives east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is currently in jail for not unifying with the government’s lockdown mandates. Even though big box stores and other businesses could be open, churches were ordered to close. Pastor Coates chose to keep his church open. He went to jail because he did not “unify” or bow down to tyranny, but bowed down to God. (Read more here.)

Personally, I’ve been discriminated against and denied service multiple times because I’ve refused to comply with the mask mandates. I’ve chosen civil disobedience (like our founding fathers) in order to stand for freedom. I understand some people can’t do that for a variety of reasons. However, I’m a healthy person and I don’t need a mask. To be clear, I’m not anti-mask or pro-mask, I’m pro-liberty. I want the freedom to breathe like God created us to breathe, and I want to demonstrate to others that they don’t need to be afraid. There’s so much evidence out there now that we don’t need to fear COVID. We can be smart about it but not fearful.

Check out this article/video “Where is COVID in 3rd world countries?!” India, Haiti, and countries in Africa have had little death compared to 1st world countries even though they have poor health care, no social distancing, and no lockdowns. On the other hand, Italy, UK, and USA have had the worse death rates around the globe and have all had lockdowns and mask mandates. Again, what are our leaders coming into agreement with?


In addition, it completely baffles me that many Evangelical Christians don’t see the truth about what is happening in our world. They bow down to and vote for governments that use the “plandemic” to control and manipulate people, even though the data shows that the virus is about the same as a bad flu. For decades people have unfortunately died from the flu and many other diseases, yet we haven’t masked up and locked down. How do intelligent people lose their ability to discern the truth and choose to conform to this world?

The bible says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 As we watch and see what is happening today, whether it is in the world or in the church, we must always listen to what God is saying. He knows the truth, and the truth will keep us from unifying with deception.

So, “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 The Message Bible says it this way. “…Does Christ go strolling with the Devil?…” Should we unify with evil to “keep the peace”? No, but we need great wisdom and great courage to follow God’s commands and His “still small voice” directions when tyranny threatens our freedoms.

A great example of this whole topic is the gripping true story of a Sabbath keeping family in Hitler’s Germany told in the book “A Thousand Shall Fall”. Even though Franz Hasel was drafted into the Nazi army, Franz did not unify or comply with evil. I pray I can be as courageous!

As Jesus’ return draws ever nearer and our freedoms as believers are taken away, may you unify and conform to God’s kingdom. You will be mistreated for it. However, along the way you will also be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.