The Flying Phoenix


As you probably witnessed, NASA and SpaceX teamed up to launch a spacecraft last Sabbath, May 30, 2020, Pentecost weekend. The crew’s historic mission was to go to the International Space Station, one that had not occurred since NASA’s shut down in 2011. It’s a new beginning and a scientific adventure with the goal to land on Mars someday.

My family and I felt excitement and American pride as this fire breathing machine blasted toward outer space at Mach speed. As it gained momentum and altitude, I asked my daughter, who is a seer, to tell us what she was seeing in the spirit realm. She said she saw a phoenix like being. She described it as a beautiful fiery bird that was spiraling around the spaceship as they flew together. It appeared happy and playful as it soared to the heavens with the mechanical bird. What a beautiful and awesome picture!


Right away we started thinking about what it might mean. What is God saying about this experience? A phoenix is not mentioned in the bible, but doing a little research, I learned that in Christian history a phoenix meant religious renewal or resurrection. “Several early Christian writers drew an analogy between the phoenix and the Christian doctrine of resurrection and life after death. Clement of Rome, a first-century priest and bishop, wrote a letter to the church at Corinth in which he employed the mythological phoenix as an illustration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

How fitting for this fiery bird to appear during Pentecost weekend. I believe God is telling us that out of the ashes from the riots in cities across the US this past week, the Body of Christ will be resurrected and renewed to new heights, through the fiery power of the Holy Spirit. His people will come to spiritual maturity and live as kings and priests. “To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:5-6 “And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10


A king/queen is a ruler who leads a kingdom he/she has inherited (as children of God, we are heirs of His kingdom Romans 8:17). A priest is one who serves God and ministers to others. In a spiritual context, a king takes authority over Satan’s kingdom and establishes Jesus’ kingdom, through the power of Holy Spirit. A priest worships God and ministers to, or nurtures others. In a family scenario, a father and a mother would embody both these roles in synergistic ways, while raising their children.

As earth’s first father and mother, Adam and Eve failed in these two areas and they lost their kingdom. Unfortunately, we are dealing with the consequences of their downfall. But, the good news is that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, like the phoenix we can become Adam and Eve 2.0. We can take back and restore the kingdom of God and rise to new heights.

May you better understand how to be a king and priest in God’s kingdom. May you have your own phoenix experience that will blast you to the heavens in such a way that you will be so blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.