
This past week we had two major events - our interactive prayer exhibit that I posted last week (click here), and the US elections. To encourage you through these chaotic times, here are updates on both events. God is working in many ways we don’t even know about, but some we do, and what an awesome week it has been!

First, below are some pictures I took with my phone from our Praying The NT Sanctuary 2020 event. They’re not the best quality photos, but you get the idea of the exhibit stations. Many people were blessed, but I think I ended up being the most blessed after hearing their positive comments. I’m so thrilled that people found the exhibit, that I co-created with God, meaningful and inspirational.

Click on the pictures below and you’ll be able to scroll through them. The pictures in order are:

The Information Table, Station 1 - Cross (death, resurrection, communion), Station 2 - Water (cleansing, healing), Station 3 - Bread (God’s provision, giving), Station 4 - Prayer (prayer requests), Station 5 - Light (truth), Station 6 - Mercy Seat (hearing God), Station 7 - Throne (reigning in God’s kingdom, the three thrones of God)

It was a beautiful interactive experience, with a suggested prayer and action at each station. If you missed it, we might be doing it again next year. Stay tuned!

The second update is an encouraging word, in the video below, from Mario Murillo on the Sid Roth YouTube channel. I’ve listened to several prophets in regards to the election, and I liked his attitude and perspective the best. I found it particularly interesting when he said (at minute 8:16) that his friend in the Dept. of Defense, told him that Homeland Security put watermarks on the valid ballots, and didn’t tell the Democrats. His friend also said that he thought this election would be decided for Trump before Dec. Obviously time will tell.

Whatever happens, Jesus is still King!!! He said in Luke 21:28, “So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” When we stand and look up to Jesus, we will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Therefore, go forth bold, blessed, brilliant, and favored! Subscribe and comment below.