How Are We Voting?


Tomorrow, Sabbath Oct. 3, 2020, begins the 30 day (technically 31 day) countdown to the Presidential election on Tues. Nov. 3, 2020. The choice could not be more diametrically opposed - capitalism vs. Marxism, freedom vs. tyranny, truth vs. lies, rule of law vs. anarchy, pro-America vs. anti-America. Bill and I think the choice is clear. Here are the 15 reasons, in no particular order, why we are voting for President Trump.

  1. We are voting for leadership that believes in the rule of law. Protecting our borders and the citizens of the United States. Knowing the difference between peaceful protests and rioting, terrorism and the like.

  2. We are voting for leadership that does not believe in war first, but understands the importance of carrying a big stick and not having to use it. This is done by supporting our troops and the military.

  3. We are voting for leadership that believes in the sanctity of life at all stages. It does not celebrate in the barbaric murdering of the unborn and newborn. This type of activity is purely satanic, driven by the spirit of Jezebel. The church is chastised in Rev. 2:20-22 for allowing Jezebel a place in the church.

    “But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman—that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet—to lead my servants astray. She teaches them to commit sexual sin and to eat food offered to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to turn away from her immorality. 22 Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of suffering, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds.”

  4. We are voting for a leadership that believes that only citizens of this country should be voting and leading this country.

  5. We are voting for leadership that believes that the people, and not the government, is the true resource of this country. And that all people are created equal and should be treated as such. We believe that everyone should be given equal opportunity for success and freedom.

  6. We are voting for a leadership that believes, supports, and gives glory to Almighty God, not to an organization that hates God and promotes all manner of immorality. Again, the spirit of Jezebel.

  7. We are voting for a leadership that has done more to help black Americans in this country than any other president in many many decades, and has not just given them lip service only to ignore them again after the election.

  8. We believe this is a spiritual battle of the last days that President Trump has opened the door for the church to fight, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12

  9. It is very clear that there is only one leadership that has been, and is, lifting up God and Judean-Christian values. A vote in any other direction is a vote for Satanic wickedness in high places.

  10. We are voting for leadership that is fighting against socialism and communist Marxism.

  11. We are voting for leadership that believes in the 1st and 2nd amendment with the right to worship and speak, and to bare arms.

  12. We are voting for leadership that actually knows business and uses many counselors (Prov. 11:14) to make decisions. We believe that this leadership is the only one that can bring us out of this pandemic recession.

  13. We are voting for leadership who is extremely successful undoing the ridiculous international trade deals of the past. This has brought many businesses and jobs back to America.

  14. When I (Bonnie) had a God given closed vision of then candidate Trump in 2016 (click here), and I observed many other prophetic voices sharing similar visions, I knew that God had a plan that involved Trump being POTUS.

  15. We are voting for President Trump because we see God using him to fulfill end time prophecies (read Bonnie’s 4 part series here).


There are many more reasons like the wall, hundreds of conservative judges appointed, robust economy before the forced lockdowns, criminal justice reform, opportunity zones, fighting sex trafficking and the opioid drug crisis, Middle East Peace deal, Space Force, “draining the swamp”, etc. The list is long. However, voting for Bill and I is not about parties, politics, or personality, but about pro-American policies. Discerning what leader is more closely following Godly principals as outlined in the Bible, and then voting for that leader, is of paramount importance to us in regards to this election.

Dr. Lance Wallnau describes it this way. If the USA is an airplane, who would you like piloting the plane, the Captain that loves the airplane (flag hugging Trump), or the Captain who wants to destroy the airplane (Antifa/BLM Biden)? For us, Trump is the only logical choice.

Below is a short video of Sid Roth (a Messianic Jew) sharing what he’s voting for in November. I thought his views were beautifully and succinctly portrayed, and that you would enjoy the B-roll footage.

In tense and chaotic times like this election has been, I find great solace in the reality that Jesus is King no matter what happens! God is not surprised, or overwhelmed. He’s in control and His creative beauty continues to surround us when we’re out enjoying nature. So, go vote in person Nov. 3rd, and take joy in the Lord. You will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, brilliant, and favored. Subscribe and comment below.