History In The Making


As brash as President Trump can be at times, he does get things done and makes history in the process. Last Friday, President Trump made history by being the first sitting president to address the March For Life rally. Last Tuesday he presented his Middle East Peace To Prosperity plan, and Wednesday he signed the USMCA fair trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, all while dealing with the impeachment trial coup! Furthermore, all those things happened this past week! Whew! (Second video “3 Years Of Accomplishments”) However, I wanted to highlight his speech at the March For Life rally in the first video below.

First, I appreciate the fact that President Trump stands up for our country whose founding was based on Judean Christian values. Second, he stands up for the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn baby, “a precious and sacred gift from God” (min. 3:25). Third, in his speech he declared that “Mother’s are heroes”. “You make it your mission to help spread God’s grace.” (min. 11:00).

His comments about mother’s really touched my core because my chosen career has been that of a wife and mother. Today’s pop culture doesn’t value that career choice and often looks down on and demeans those who do. It can be difficult at times feeling “less than” because you don’t earn a paycheck in a society that worships money more than family. But in Trump’s speech, I felt like his comments were pushing back against that negative narrative.

God honors wives, mother’s and families. Proverbs 31: 28-29 says, “Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Thank you Mr. Trump for standing for life and for being a pro-family president. Thank you mother’s for not aborting your children and dedicating your life to them, as you work inside and outside of the home. May all you mother’s be called blessed, so that you will feel blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.