Sabbatical and Updates

Today’s post is basically a series of announcements. I’m excited to share that life is full and overflowing with God’s favor and blessing! However, because of this I am needing to make some temporary shifts to keep my priorities in order.



1. Sabbatical - During the months of May and June I will be taking a break from blogging. We have several family events during these two months and I want to give my full attention to them. I will be returning the beginning of July with weekly posts.

2. National Day of Prayer - Remember the NDOP is Thurs. May 2, 2019. Click here for more info.

3. Local Event - My daughter, Heather Briggs, and I will be at ARTbreak, Tues, June 18, 2019. Heather will be telling her story of overcoming severe dyslexia by sharing the processes and creation of her photographic essay, A Stupid Brilliance. Click here for more info or the Event page.


In the meantime while I’m “out of the office”, may I encourage you to deep dive into some of the blogs I’ve already posted. Some of the my posts include several links that you may have not had the time to check out. Go back and take the time to dig out the gems and nuggets God has for you.

One of my most important posts is Listening Prayer. It is vital that you master this spiritual skill. As you develop this spiritual muscle, you will be amazed and empowered by God’s faithfulness and love! All His promises are Yes and Amen! 2 Cor 1:20

With those words ringing in your ears, may you confidently go out today and experience how God is blessing you to be a blessing In Jesus Name!