The Growing Importance of Home Church Networks


Observing the current ongoing protests in Hong Kong, due to the tyranny of the Chinese Communist government, I wondered about the well-being of the Chinese Christians. How were they handling the persecution? How were they continuing to worship God? Could this happen in America? I don’t know when exactly, but I believe there will come a time in America when the Body of Christ will face hardships as well (read more here). The way tyranny will manifest will probably look different, but I believe it’s inevitable, and I think we can learn a lot from the Chinese believers.

In search of some answers, I discovered a podcast on the VOM Radio podcast (The Voice of the Martyrs). Click here to listen to an interview with “Brother Enfu” (not his real name) titled China: Don’t Go To Church, Or Else…, dated Aug. 31, 2019. I’m in awe of his and other believers’ commitment and dedication to sharing Jesus no matter the consequences, which can include prison and death.


Rev. 13:17 says, “And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark…” I don’t know when this will happen in America, but based on the current financial cashless systems, it wouldn’t take much to shut down the “Mega Churches”. I’m not a big fan of mega churches because I like the intimacy of a small gathering. However having said that, I have appreciated the large conferences and training schools that mega churches can provide. At this point, it is not an either or scenario., but at some point the mega churches will not be sustainable.

As I continue to observe current events however, it’s not hard to imagine how things could change very quickly. Just the other day, I heard chatter about the homeless in Austin, TX possibly being bio chipped in order to receive government services. There are also multiple articles on the internet that talk about employees receiving microchip implants. Is this the mark that John talked about in Revelation? Probably not, but technology could be a very real factor in the “marking” process.


In the meantime, however, I think it is wise for us to begin setting up regional home church networks while we still enjoy the freedom to worship as we choose. God is working things out for His children and we have nothing to fear, because “…perfect love casts out fear…” 1 John 4:18. Furthermore, we will see Him work in ways we have never experienced before. It’s an exciting time to be alive, and the time to explore more opportunities to unify the Body of Christ Eph 4.

As you enjoy the freedom to celebrate Jesus’ birth this Christmas, please remember to pray for the Chinese believers that they will be strengthened during their hardships and remain strong in the Lord. May we too mature in the Lord so that we will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant!