The Epiphany

Lately we’ve been listening and watching a lot of prophetic teacher Graham Cooke on YouTube. His attitude and teachings have been such a blessing to my family. We’re excited to be going to the Cultural Moments Conference in Cleveland, OH where he and Dr. Lance Wallnau will be speaking. Click here for more information about the conference.

Below is the beginning of a playlist of 27 of Graham’s videos/podcasts where each one is about 5-10 minutes long. These are great to listen to while doing chores, driving in the car, or when you’re in need of a quick pick me up devotional. Cooke’s recurring message is that there are no problems in heaven, only possibilities. He then expounds on that concept and shows how to apply it to everyday living.

Cooke also often talks about what Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23, needs to be applied to your situation. We did a word study last week and looked up the definition of each fruit and it’s opposite. I think the opposites really impacted me the most. I am even more determined to dwell on the positives. Here is the list: love-hate, joy-despair, peace-war/conflict, patience-restlessness, kindness-meanness, goodness-badness/evilness, faithfulness-betrayal, gentleness-harshness, self-control-chaos.

What thoughts have you been thinking about your situation? Have the thoughts been the positive fruits or the opposites? Remember to “capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.” 2 Cor 10:5 Let the light of the Holy Spirit that is within you consume the darkness. When you do, I guarantee you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!