Spiritual Fasting For Breakthrough

Have you been doing the autophagy fasting that I talked about a couple of posts ago? Click here for that blog post. My family and I have been doing this type of fasting (24-36 hour water only fasts) for the past 10 days and wow the results have been great! Along with the autophagy fasting, we have also been having our annual “week of prayer and fasting” this past week. Whether you do these fasts separately or together, you will be amazed at the benefits and outcomes.

For example, two weeks ago I was feeling sick due to too many goodies over the holidays, which was my bad. But, I did a 36 hour water fast and I was back on track two days later. I love how quickly the body is able to heal when given the optimal parameters.

In addition to feeling healthier in our bodies, we’ve felt mentally clearer, and spiritually more connected to God. We’ve taken an hour each evening with soaking music to focus on just being in the presence of God.


The first evening we literally rested our bodies, minds and spirits. That was so core rejuvenating! We’ve had a hectic but great holiday season and it really felt good to just Be. Another evening we read various scripture promises out loud and prayed for friends and family.

The second evening, however, was especially awesome! We did listening prayer following Dr. Mark Virkler’s techniques (click here) based on Habakkuk 2:1-2. The Four Keys to Hearing God’s Voice basically are 1. Stand - be still in God’s presence, 2. See (meditate) - fix your eyes on Jesus or Father God, 3. He will speak - thoughts flow to mind, and 4. Record - write down thoughts/vision which is Godly imagination. God Guides is another great listening prayer book (click here).

While I was doing listening prayer that evening - talking, praising, and worshiping Father God in my mind at His throne, He showed me my spirit. Her name is Rejoice! She flitted around us like a butterfly, while I sat on His lap. We talked about her and how she connected to the Holy Spirit. It sounds weird I know. It’s difficult to describe my experience, but Father God and I had so much fun and a wonderful time together. This is the power of spiritual fasting! It deepens the relationship with God.

You see, the blessing of spiritual fasting is that it gives you a deeper connection with God that provides you the power to defeat unbelief. Jesus basically said that in order to get rid of unbelief and build up your faith bank, you need to pray and fast. “However, this kind [of unbelief] does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” You can read this quote and the story it came from in Matt 17:14-21.

Also, watch the video for more suggestions about spiritual fasting. I know what Patricia is teaching is true because I’ve experienced most of what she shares multiple times. Remember, God is in the blessing business. He’s waiting for you! Go get your blessings! It’s awesome!

May the blockages of your life be broken through as you experience the power of prayer and fasting, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!