Sabbath And The 10 Commandments


A couple of articles regarding The 10 Commandments (Ex 20:1-17) recently came in my email inbox. As my readers know, I love the 10 Commandments and thought you would be interested in the latest news in regards to them.

For me, The 10 Commandments are the most super powerful promises in the whole bible. For example, is there anything more powerful than the name of Jesus? That’s why the Third Commandment says not to misuse God’s name.

And how awesome is it to have a rest day once a week as the Fourth Commandment instructs. I especially love the fourth - The Creation Sabbath. Why? Click here for my 20 reasons. However, the current chatter in the news about the 10 Commandments makes me wonder where we are in the pendulum swing between the King of the South - Islam and the King of the North - The Papal System (read more).

The first article posted on Breaking Christian News said, “Chinese officials entered a church in recent weeks and ordered the removal of one of the Ten Commandments—the first one—In another example of the nation's crackdown on Christianity.” (read more here) The Communist party has to remove the First Commandment of having no other Gods, because Communism is the religion and it’s leaders are the gods.

Don’t think that we in the US are too far from this same behavior from leadership. In 2012 the Democrat National Convention took God out of their platform (read more here). Only after much backlash, they put "God” back in (read more here). Simply put, we are in the time of “shaking” or sifting of the wheat and the tares (Matt 13:24-30). As ideologies become stronger and clash, we will have to decide whom we will serve. As the Bob Dylan song says, “It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody”. (full lyrics)

On the other hand, I was somewhat pleasantly surprised to read/watch Canon J. John, a priest, who said, “Far from being a set of rules to restrict us, they [The 10 Commandments] are principles that bring freedom and fulfillment.” (read more here) I’ve listed his summary of The 10 Commandments below posted on

10. Find True Contentment – “You shall not covet.”
9. Hold To Truth – “You shall not lie.”
8. Prosper With A Clear Conscience – “You shall not steal.”
7. Affair-Proof Our Relationships – “You shall not commit adultery.”
6. Manage Your Anger – “You shall not murder.”
5. Keep The Peace With Your Parents – “Honour Your Mother and Father.”
4. Catch Your Breath – “Remember God’s day of rest.”
3. Take God Seriously – “You shall not misuse God’s Name.”
2. Know God – “You shall not make idols.”
1. Live By Priorities – “You shall have no other Gods.”

His list really impressed me. I found it succinct and uplifting. But I wondered how he would talk about the Sabbath. After watching his video below, I really liked what he had to say about the Sabbath, although I think he believes that Sunday is The Sabbath. Time will tell if he is promoting The Creation Sabbath or the Catholic Sabbath/Sunday Laws. Nonetheless, I think he made some very good points that can super charge our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. Let me know what you thought about the video.

May you be supercharged by The Creation Sabbath and be empowered by the super powerful promises of The 10 Commandments, so that you will be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!