The Perfect You Book Review


If you enjoyed watching Dr. Leaf on my last post (click here), then you will want to purchase this book to access the Unique Qualitative (UQ) Assessment Tool. This tool basically helps you determine how you uniquely process thoughts. It has really been helpful in understanding myself and others.

“The structure of this book is as follows. In part 1, you will begin the process of understanding what the Perfect You is in terms of your unique thinking, feeling, and choosing, and how important it is to stay in the Perfect You. In part 2 you will learn about the philosophy and science undergirding the Perfect You. In part 3, you will begin to unlock your Perfect You by filling in the Unique Qualitative (UQ) Assessment Tool through a three-hundred-plus question journey that will help you gain a better understanding of how you uniquely think, feel, and choose.” p. 38

Obviously, the book is full of information. But there were a couple of quotes that stood out to me that I wanted to share. Her scientific explanation of addiction was revolutionary for me. She says, “we are wired [in our brains] to be addicted to and consumed by God. God created us for relationship with him.” p. 53 Isn’t that awesome! Isn’t that a twist on the concept of addiction? “Addiction” can be a very good thing. The question, of course, is what are we addicted to?

Another fundamental teaching of Dr. Leaf’s is also found on p. 53. She says, “we can control the fear through conscious cognitive evaluation, really believing that ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind’ (2 Tim 1:7), or we can become dominated by the unconscious toxic thoughts that have actualized into habits over time, which throw the brain and body into toxic stress.” We can choose fear, or we can choose power, love, and sound mind. That moment of choice at the quantum level is called superposition. You can read more about it on p. 102. I love the fact that these scientific discoveries are confirming that the bible, God’s Word, is true.

The last quote I want to share is found on p. 104. In regards to quantum entanglement (the energy connection between people) Dr. Leaf writes, “In one study, people who served others who were going through something experienced a 68 percent increase in healing compared to those who only got treatment for themselves.” Loving and helping others is healing to our bodies. Wow! We are truly fearfully and wonderfully made! Ps 139:14

Finally, this book is not a quick read because there is so much to digest in it. However, it is a resource you will want to have and review on a regular basis. If you would like to deep dive into this book, you can purchase it at Dr. Leaf’s website (click here). Or, you can buy it on Amazon (click here).

May you take the time to discover The Perfect You with God, so that you will be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!