Home Church 101!


Ever since I was a little girl I've enjoyed worshiping in a variety of ways.  My grandfather planted 6000 pine trees on the property where I grew up.  By the time we moved there, the growing white pines with their soft needles made a fun place to build a "chapel".  Since then, I've enjoyed many types of worship styles all over the world.  However, I've been very blessed by worshiping with just my family or a few friends at home. 

Jesus said, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”  Matthew 18:19, 20.  Home church is not a new thing.  Believers have been worshiping in homes since the book of Acts.  However, we started worshiping at home, off and on and in combination while attending other churches, about 20 years ago.  Here are my top 10 tips for a blessed home church Sabbath experience. 

1.  SEEK GOD.  As we outlined in Homeschool 101, the first thing to do is to seek God's direction.  If you are choosing home church because Church Inc. has hurt you, don't let bitterness poison your home church experience.  Unforgiveness creates an emotional wall that blocks the presence of the Holy Spirit.  It's also a distraction that can put the focus on Satan's kingdom vs. God's kingdom.  Let God heal your hurt and keep your focus on Him.  "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."  Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

2.  BE INTENTIONAL.  Don't just lay in bed and stumble through the day because you don't want to do anything.  Yes, there are times when we need "do nothing" days.  However, to have a blessed home church experience, have a solid idea, theme, or routine for the day.  Schedules are constantly changing, but we usually start on Mon. planning and prepping for the upcoming Sabbath experience.  We love Sabbath and always look forward to it.

3.  DON'T MIMIC CHURCH AT HOME.  It doesn't translate well and gets rigid and boring.  For example saying, "Now we are going to have song service, now prayer, now offering, now the sermon etc."  It can get dry and awkward feeling.  Have a general outline of the day, but be flexible and let it flow as everyone participates.

4.  ANCHOR TIMES.  Set times and routines are really helpful in organizing your experience and brings peace.  Having these anchor times are particularly important for those whose first pillar of wisdom is a math/logic brain.  They prefer set routines and schedules. (For more about the 7 pillars of wisdom read The Gift In You by Dr. Leaf.)  Also, as humans we get hungry and need to eat.  Meals times are important especially for young families and provide a great time of fellowship as well.  

Home church for us is an all day experience.  For example, typical anchor times and routines include 11:00 am dedicated "church" time, followed by a meal, then something active in nature weather permitting, a rest or nap time, and finally sundown prayer.  

5.  BE CREATIVE.  Think outside the traditional church service box.  We've had many different wonderful home church experiences.  Here are a few creative ideas they we've done.  

Inside the home - 1. Plan a service based on a topic, theme, or holiday -  like celebrate Pentecost by having a Holy Spirit birthday party.  2. Watch a video series like the Seventh Day Series, this could be a weekend type seminar or a multi week feature.  4.  Join an online or live stream service.  5.  Study the bible with The Bible Project, or other teachers on this g2e4.com website.

Outside the home - 1.  Worship and dance in the woods, at the beach or at a nature center.  2.  Help out with the local mission or food drive.  3. If you have a family member living in a nursing home, take "church" to them.  4.  Prayer walk/drive your community.  Pray according to what the prophetic seers are seeing.  Ask neighbors for prayer requests and pray with them.  5.  Take turns with your family or friends and have home church at their house.


6.  USE TECHNOLOGY.  We are so blessed to have so many options now with technology.  You can find great Sabbath music online like YouTube or GodTube, DVDs, Pandora, etc.  You can research online for creative ideas like how to celebrate a certain Jewish holiday.   In addition, there are great online video teachings and testimonies to kick start discussions.  It's vital to connect with online communities like g2e4.com, elijahlist.com, Communion with God Ministries, Lance Wallnau, etc. for training, encouragement and support.  Be discerning and let the Holy Spirit lead you into all truth that sets you free.  John 16:13, John 8:32

7.  GIVE.  When it comes to money, we use our offerings for "church" related expenses like books, DVDs, money bombs, extra or special foods and items that enhance our experience, etc.  Be discerning and a good steward.  For tithe, we support other ministries that have blessed us, and mission projects locally and abroad that we want to support.  "You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”  Acts 20:35b

8.  GO BIG.  Regularly join large Christian gatherings for the joy of worshiping with the larger Body of Christ.  Church is not either at home or at the big church.  It can be both.  There are good things about both so embrace both.  Home church offers closeness and being able to practice your beliefs as God has led you. 

For example, Sabbatarian churches didn't accept our prophetic beliefs, and Charismatic churches didn't accept our Creation Sabbath beliefs.  This is the reason why we started this blog g2e4.com.  We wanted to minister to those who have similar beliefs, and educate others who were willing to listen.

However, even though large churches may believe differently, they do offer seminars, concerts, and holiday events that will round out your "home church" lifestyle.  Isolating yourself is not biblical.  The bible says, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."  Acts 10:25

9. INCORPORATE SPIRITUAL GIFTS.  Understand each others dominate spiritual gift for maximum blessing.  The evangelist will want to go knock on doors or do something in the community.  The teacher will want to have a deep bible study.  The pastor will want to focus on connectivity, love, and hospitality.  The prophet will want to talk about dreams, visions, and prophesy.  The apostle will want to focus on how to bring heaven to earth in a tangible way.  All the gifts are important and all can be incorporated to varying degrees as you make your plans.

10.  READ THE BIBLE AND PRAY.  Most importantly, no matter what the focus is for that Sabbath, always incorporate reading the bible and a time of prayer.  It sounds obvious, but with some activities, this important step can slip through the cracks.   

May you reach a higher level of spiritual maturity, and a deeper relationship experience with Holy Spirit and others, as you "church" at home.  May that change of environment be a blessing to you that flows out to the world In Jesus Name! 
