Social Justice - Part 4

In Social Justice Part 1, we shared a different perspective of racism.  In Part 2, we connected the dots between racism, Planned Parenthood, and abortion in the SDA church.  In Part 3,  we shined a light on the lies of the LGBTQ and PC movements.  In Social Justice Part 4, we will share the common sense truths about walls, guns, and Allah/Islam.  


WALLS - Proverbs 25:28 says, "A person without self-control is like a city [or country] with broken-down walls."  Robert Frost in his poem Mending Wall, poetically concludes that "Good fences make good neighbors."  The "Boundaries" books by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend teach practical tips for healthy relationships to achieve Frost's conclusion.  So, why wouldn't the US build a wall?  It's not being mean or unsympathetic.  In fact, it's actually compassionate, healthy, and right to protect the citizens of the country.  Whether they are physical, mental or spiritual, good laws and protective walls just make common sense.

GUNS - Guns don't kill people, people kill people.  Demanding gun control is like saying we need laws to control rocks, knives, or abortion instruments.  These are inanimate objects and have no power of their own.  They can be used for good or evil depending on the mindset of the person using them.

The truth is that gun control is a form of manipulation to enslave the citizens of the country.  It's not about saving lives, it's about tyranny and taking away the rights of law abiding citizens.  Ironically, criminals and some mentally ill people will get guns no matter how many gun laws are on the books.  Chicago is a prime example.  

The hypocrisy of the gun control grab movement telling us they want to save lives, is that the number one murder weapon in America is the Sopher clamp.  Based on the World Health Organization numbers, here is the Worldometer that counts the number of abortions world wide.  As of this writing, more than 7 million babies have been killed in the world since January 2018.  That's only two months!  Where is the outrage, media hysteria, and the call for clamp control over the Sopher clamp?  It's twisted thinking and a lack of common sense!

What does make sense, when it comes to weapons, is to learn how to use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the written, spoken, and unspoken Word of God.  We don't fight against flesh and blood, but against evil in the unseen world as it says in Eph 6:10-18.  That's why it is important to know HOW to pray effectively.  The guideline is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and HEAL their land."  Our land could certainly use some healing!!

ALLAH/ISLAM - As I browsed YouTube for this Social Justice series, I came across the first video below titled "Adventist Pastor Dwight Nelson says Allah is God".  Honestly, I was shocked while watching it.  Pastor Dwight married Bill and I more than 30 years ago, and he is, of course, a very special person in our lives, although we rarely interact with him.  However, I did email him to see if he had an update of that sermon.  At the time of this writing I have not heard back from him, but will post an update if there is one.

Then I saw that the sermon was given back in 2010.  Back then I too thought Allah is the same God of the Bible because our Muslim neighbors, that we've known more than 20 years, told us that.  In retrospect, I think the Muslims are taught to say that to Christians.  However, after studying this topic for a few years now, I do NOT believe Allah is God.  As Mat 7:20 says, "Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people [gods] by their actions.  

Allah is a "deceiver and the greatest of deceivers" (well documented by WikiIslam which is owned by secular Ex-Muslims), and thinks he is greater, "Allahu Akbar", than any god (as reported by The Daily Wire who quoted the Hadith.)  Allah is NOT the God of heaven and earth.  The devil is the father of lies John 8:44, and in Is 14:14 the devil said he would be like the most high.  Allah is not greater than nor equal to Jesus Christ.  The devil is a created being that has fallen and is the warring kingdom to God's kingdom.  Jesus is the King of Kings! 

(Note: the Luciferian tyrannical mindset of Isaiah 14 is the twin to the Jezebel controlling mindset of Rev. 2:18-29.  They have the same root and fruit, but are in two ditches.  And as we know, the devil's in the ditches.  I will go into more detail about these two mindsets in a future blog.)

The other two videos by Brigitte Gabriel are extremely enlightening and educational.  She shares her horrific story of survival from radical Islam in the (2011) video, and gives 1400 years of Islamic history in a few mins.  I discovered Brigitte's videos before the last presidential campaign cycle.  As I watched these videos again, I felt inspired by her intellect, and I am grateful for her courage to speak out.  

May you seek God for the common sense truths in His word that set you free, so that you can be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!