Men's Advance Conference Just Held - 3/8-10/2018


In my last post, Home Church 101, I suggested watching a video series for a weekend seminar or multi week feature.  Wouldn't you know it, an awesome conference just came online.  It's the Men's Advance conference that was held a few days ago near Colorado Springs, CO. 

Even though this conference is geared towards men, I really was inspired, uplifted, and motivated by each speaker.  My spirit really resonated with them, and I had to share it with you.  I hope that you will be encouraged in your walk with God as you watch each man talk. 

May you test all things and let the Holy Spirit train you for greatness, so that you will win from with-in to be blessed and be a blessing for His Kingdom In Jesus Name!

(Note:  Each video includes preliminaries so you may want to skip ahead to the speakers.)