Don't Follow Your Passion?

With two children who are in their twenties, Heather who graduated from college in 2017, and JJ who has one more year to graduate with his degree, jobs and career paths are frequent topics of our conversations. So, when the video below popped up on YouTube titled “Don’t Follow Your Passion”, it caught my attention. For years we’ve heard the saying, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work another day in your life.” But wait a minute, which way is it? Are you suppose to follow your passion or not? What’s the truth?

In all actually, both ways are true. It’s just how you apply them. Watch the video and you’ll understand. I particularly like the story at minute 2:13 that illustrates the point. The bottom line is what the bible says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.Eccl 9:10 NIV I also like how The New Living Translation puts it, short and to the point, “Whatever you do, do well.” Eccl 9:10 NLT

As 2018 comes to an end, whatever you are doing whether you’re passionate about it or not, may you finish the year well, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!