Happy Spring 2021!


Tomorrow, Sabbath March 20, 2021, is the first official day of Spring. Yay!! Earlier this week I looked in my backyard and it was carpeted with crocuses and snow drops. The soft purple and white blooms brought such joy to my heart. I absolutely love Spring! It’s my favorite season, as I’ve said before, because nature is waking up and showing off it’s great beauty. This year we’re doubly blessed because the first official day of Spring is on Sabbath! So, happy Shabbat Shalom Spring! How’s that for some alliteration lol!

With all the darkness that we’re dealing with in our world right now, Spring is a welcome reprieve. With the sunshine, warmer days, the birds singing, and the flowers blooming, our bodies, souls, and spirits are refreshed. I love how God said it in scripture. “I am the spring crocus blooming on the Sharon Plain, the lily of the valley….Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. 12 The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.” Song of Solomon 2:1, 11-12 Isn’t that awesome?!

Just like Spring is a yearly season of renewal, the Sabbath is a weekly time of renewal, of refreshing and new beginnings. I’m so glad that God created Sabbath for man Mark 2:27. What a blessing the Sabbath has been to me and my family!

This Spring Sabbath, I hope that you will take the time to drink in the beauty of both. God created both the Sabbath and the seasons for our enjoyment and to experience vibrant health. If you’ve dealt with some waves of despair, as I have this past winter of stolen elections and COVID madness, let this Spring Sabbath be a day of refreshment and joy. May you find new life and hope blooming in your being so that you can feel blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Subscribe and comment below.
