Jab or Job?

The media has been talking nonstop about the unfortunate reality of getting a vaccine or losing your job. So, I thought that some of you made need “a shot in the arm” of good news and hope. Today’s post contains two resources that I have found extremely helpful and encouraging. Both info. hubs have a boatload of information, so you’ll want to go through them a bite at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. However, these two videos are the latest for each channel.

The first resource is The Highwire with Del Bigtree Episode 237: The Turning Point. This almost two hour episode has multiple segments so you can pause and take breaks. I’m exciting about this one because Del interviews Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan both of whom live in Grand Rapids, MI, which is about an hour north of me. I’ve actually had the opportunity to meet Tammy Clark and have appreciated all her work with Stand Up Michigan and the YouTube channel Stand Up Michigan. Not only does Del interview these ladies who are PPE and OSHA experts, but he also has in depth up to the minute reports of what is happening around the world regarding all things COVID. Check it out!

The second resource is the video below with Peggy Hall. Peggy is from southern California and is a fiery warrior for freedom. She and her Pastor husband have made it their mission to help and encourage those who are facing all types of hardships due to this whole pandemic mess. In this video she specifically addresses a letter from Southwest airlines and what you need to do to get a religious exemption. She also has a ton of information on her website The Healthy American.


If you’re wanting to do something to help keep your freedoms but you don’t know what to do, each of these resources have suggestions of what you can do. One action they all suggest and we all can do is simply tell someone else about these resources. The media wants you to think that you’re crazy and a small minority for NOT wanting to wear a mask or get the jab. The truth, however, is that people around the world are standing up for their freedoms and you’re not alone. Be informed and don’t be afraid to tell others.

If you’re facing the very difficult jab or job question, remember these verses. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:4-5

May your spirit be refreshed with the anointing oil of Jesus, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name! Go forth bold, blessed, and brilliant! Thank you for sharing, subscribing. and commenting below.