The Cool Cuke


Every year my husband plants in our garden starter cucumber vines that we’ve purchased from the local garden center. We love eating fresh cucumbers plucked right off the vine. This year, however, our vines have produced a bumper crop. For the past few weeks we’ve eaten cucumbers every day and have given many away to friends and neighbors. This is a great real life example of what it’s like to be blessed and be a blessing! We’ve eaten our fill and had many to share with others. Furthermore, this inexpensive humble vegetable packs a powerful nutritional punch.

Earlier this summer a friend of mine said they were dealing with acid reflux. So, I looked up the top alkaline foods and discovered that cucumbers were on the list. If you’re dealing with digestion issues, you may want to add more cucumbers to your diet. For me, it’s my go to nutrition on my fast days - a green drink for lunch and a cucumber for supper. Eating a fresh picked cucumber, peeled and sliced with a little salt, is so delicious and satisfying!


Besides tasting great, cucumbers have many benefits. Here is a list of 5 Wonderful Benefits Of Cucumbers. This article also talks about the history of cucumbers and some interesting facts about the “cool cuke”. What king loved cucumbers so much that new methods of growing were created so he could eat them year around? Click on the link to find out.

Speaking of kings and vines, Jesus said, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit.” John 15:5 As you remain in Jesus today, may you produce a bumper crop of fruit like our cucumber vines, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!