Righteous Anger vs. Rebellious Anger

After writing my last blog “Wild At Heart”, I believe God gave me an instructional dream. I think it could apply to everyone. However, since my last post focused on men, I think they will find this dream especially helpful, because generally speaking God has hardwired men to be warriors. But the question is, “What are men fighting? What are they getting angry about, or rather what are they supposed to get angry about?


In my dream I was in a humble cement block house. I had a daughter and two sons all in their late teens, early twenties. There was another woman there as well. She was a very tall, strong woman about 30 years old.

The first son was very angry and violent. The other woman and I had to intervene so my daughter wouldn’t get hurt. He then walked off to his bedroom in disgust.

Next, the other son came into the house. I told him not to do something unspeakable, (it was kind of gross) and with a smirk he went ahead and did it anyway. Then he turned, just smiled at me and walked through the wall. Right then I woke up with a feeling of righteous anger and knew that “son” represented a demon who was the spirit of rebellion.

What does the dream mean? For me as a “mother in Israel”, I think a lot of sons in the “Family of God” are angry. They have generational wounded hearts and have violent rage which they have taken out on the women in the church. Others have a disrespectful, snarky, rebellious anger and are agreeing with the spirit of rebellion.

These behaviors may not be as blatant as in my dream, but ungodly anger will manifest somehow in some way and when it does, it will be deadly. That’s why the bible says to, ”26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.” Eph 4:26-27

What is God saying to the “Sons of God”? I believe He wants you to look to Him as a loving Father to heal your wounded heart. Then rise up and battle with a righteous anger that establishes His Kingdom. Stop tolerating evil! This earth is filled with corruption everywhere you turn - in the church, in the government, in the schools, in the culture, in your home, etc. Men rise up and defeat Satan’s kingdom. You have what it takes. God has hardwired you for such a time as this. Your sisters in Christ need you to fight for them and with them.

The flip side of rebellious anger is passivity, impotency, and effeminate behaviors, which have escalated over the last decade. Edmund Burke has been attributed to say, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Men, God is calling you for active duty in His army. He wants you “to be all you can be”. It’s go time!


What does righteous anger look like? Check out what Jesus did in the temple when He lived on earth. His righteous anger rose up in His heart when He saw the corruption in “His Father’s House”.

Furthermore, it was the religious leaders that manifested a snarky spirit of rebellion. You can read the story in John 2:13-22. He didn’t hurt anybody, but He sure did get His message across in quite a dramatic fashion.

It’s time to be like Jesus the warrior. But first, receive His healing of your heart. Then go to “boot camp” and learn some effective spiritual fighting skills. Ask the Lord what that looks like for you. He will guide you to the training tools and teachers you will need.

In the meantime, put on the full armor of God outlined in Eph 6:10-20. Because as verse 12 says, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” Even though the war has been won at the cross, there are battles to fight, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, YOU WILL HAVE VICTORY!!

May your righteous anger establish God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, so we all can be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!