Happy Valentine's Day 2019!


Late last fall my husband, Bill, told me that he had read on social media about the benefits of the “20 second” hug. He said he wanted to make it a habit to do the “20 second” hug twice a day, when we get up and when we go to bed. I love hugs so I was 100% on board with this new “habit”.

For those of you who don’t know us, we’ve been married almost 33 years and have a great relationship. We both work out of the house, so we see each other a lot and are affectionate with each other often. However, I’m pleasantly surprised how meaningful our new “habit” has been over the last few months. Even though it takes less than a minute of our day, we both feel more connected to each other. Twice a day we have the opportunity to express our love for each other and make each other a priority, even though it’s only for a few seconds.

In today’s society with the myriad of distractions via technology, taking care of our families, work, etc., I think it’s really important to commit to healthy touch. It can be great to connect with others via technology, but technology can’t fill the need we all have to connect with someone by healthy touch. This is how God created us. “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him.” Genesis 2:18


This is why it’s not surprising to see scientific studies that show the benefits of the “20 second” hug. Dr. Mercola has a great article titled “Fun Facts About Hugging”. However in the article, it is interesting to note that healthy touch is most beneficial when it comes from a family member or a close friend vs. a stranger.

Even if you’re not married, or dating, and you’re living alone, there are ways to receive the benefits of healthy touch. I read one story of a woman that after her divorce she made it mandatory to get a massage frequently, so that she could help her whole body heal from the pain of the broken relationship. Others turn to their pets for love and companionship, or they help others who are in need like children or seniors.

Whatever your status, make it a priority to give and receive healthy touch. Dr. Leaf shows us scientifically how We Are Wired for Love because we are made in God’s image. As the scriptures say in 1 John 4:7-21, “We love because He first loved us.”

Happy Valentine’s day and happy hugging! May the love of God flow through you today and every day via healthy touching, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!
