Autophagy Fasting

In my last blog (click here), I talked about the three things God requires of us. The third thing He desires is for us to live in humble fellowship with Him. One of the best ways I know to have a deeper fellowship with God is to fast. Every January we do some type of major fasting, and we always love the results. There are so many benefits to fasting not only in the physical, but in the mental and spiritual parts of our being as well.

Physical - In the video below, Dr. Mindy breaks down the science of Autophagy Fasting or self-repair. The video quality is not the best, but I really found the simple chart to be very helpful. She has multiple videos about Autophagy Fasting and this is a good one to get started. Click here for more of my posts about fasting.


Mental - Whenever I have fasted in the past, mental clarity is one of the major benefits. Because the body doesn’t have to focus on digesting food, the mental sluggishness (due to feasting) goes away. Don’t misunderstand me, I love feasting. I’m a foodie! I really enjoy eating old holiday favorite dishes, and trying new ones. Eccl 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” God loves feasting and set up several feast days throughout the year for the Israelites. We have been in a season of feasting over the holidays, but now it’s time to switch gears. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get started soon!

Spiritual - Fasting provides a great opportunity of time because you don’t have to meal prep, eat, or clean up. Take this time to BE with God and His word. God says, “Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10

Create fun ways to spend time with God. How about take a walk and talk to God. Thank Him for the beauty of the things you see in nature. Or, listen to some soaking music and think about the favor He’s showed you this past year. Thank Him for the blessings. Co-create something with Him. God loves creating with us. As you create, ask Him what He would do. It’s lots of fun! Or maybe research a key word like faith or a key number like seven in scripture. Write down the revelation you received.

In addition to or Instead of fasting from food, fast from other things. For example, we fast from all media and technology, except for work, during our fast days for focused times with God and family. It’s refreshing to be “unplugged” for a couple of hours. Or, you might fast from shopping, if you you’re a shop-a-holic. Or, fast from speaking negative words over yourself and others. Replace those words with words of encouragement, edification, and praise.

Or, whatever vice is keeping you in a negative space, replace it with the word of God, faith and the opposite action. Train yourself to have an attitude of “upgrade”, meaning whatever is less than or lacking in your life, thank God for His blessing and provision, and watch for His upgrade.

Make your fast creative and fun. Expect great results even if the fast is challenging at times. Enjoy your time of rebooting, and be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!