Happy Fall!


Fall officially begins next Sabbath September 22, 2018, which means last Sabbath happened to be the last Sabbath of the summer. And what a wonderful Sabbath it was with family and friends at the beach enjoying the sun, sand and water, and watching another gorgeous Lake Michigan sunset. Later in the evening, we gazed at the lavender tinted moon as it’s beams glistened on the water. It was breathtakingly beautiful! What a super summer we’ve had seeing answers to prayer, upgrades, and blessings from God as we have been renewing our minds.

That’s why we know it’s going to be a fantastic fall. God is in the blessing business! This is especially true when your heart is breaking because He’s the healer of the brokenhearted, like we talked about in my last blog titled “Have You Danced Today?” (click here). Ps 147:3 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” As God’s love heals your heart, make this fall a season of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Fall is also the beginning of the new Hebrew calendar year 5779. The meaning of the number 9 in Hebrew suggests hidden goodness like a pregnant women (read more here). The Elijah List, which is a prophetic hub, had many words regarding the year 5779, (to search 5779 on their website click here.)

So this fall, while Satan’s kingdom is raging in the world around us, look for the hidden goodness of God. Look for what He is birthing in your life. Birthing is painful, but abundant life is the result. Embrace the beauty, soak up the color, and be a co-creator with God.

Out of the pains of birthing, may that new life bring you joy, so that you will be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!

Food & GardenBonnie Briggsfall