
It's that time of year when the stores are stocked full of school supplies, and parents are making their final decisions about sending their kids to traditional school or to home school.  We chose to home school for 15 years, taking it one year at a time.  We experienced these myths and debunked them as well.  (Click here for more of my blogs on homeschooling.)  So, when I came across this article and video, I was blessed and encouraged to hear what these fathers had to say.  

The biggest myth that has been circulated for many years is the socialization issue.  The article from said,

"Among the most common myths, the most asked about is the issue of socialization. People have been programmed to assume that the only way to properly “socialize” a child is to send them into a public school setting. It also assumes that socialization should be a primary concern for parents when raising their child."  (see article and video here)

Other myths include: parents aren't qualified, home schooled children won't be able to get into college, kids can't function in the "real world", there are no extra curricular activities available, can't afford it, etc.   For us, these issues weren't a problem because we committed to the lifestyle.  In fact the outcomes have been more amazing than I ever imagined.

For example, our daughter, who couldn't read "a", "and", or "the" at age 10 due to severe dyslexia, graduated May 7, 2017 with her Bachelors in Fine Arts in Photography magna cum laude.  Our son, who is a junior in college with a major in engineering, is teaching a freshmen engineering class, because of his prior learning experiences.  He is also a two time All American Athlete in collegiate basketball.  

In addition, I've observed that the majority of home schoolers can relate to all age groups and function pretty well in the "real world".  Often times, they function much better, because they have been taught to think for themselves.  I was happy that my children were not negatively socialized.  They didn't have to deal with bullying, drugs, knives, progressive propaganda etc. like the public high school students.  


If you are thinking about homeschooling, the main question is, "what are you willing to commit to, in other words, what are your priorities?"  Once you answer that question, there is a wealth of help, information, and opportunities for successful homeschooling.

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  May YOU be the one to disciple your child instead of media, peers, and even the church.  Children are a precious gift from God that will bless you and be a blessing to others In Jesus Name!