Death Of A Nation Movie Review

Last night my family and I went to see the movie "Death of a Nation", which opens nationwide today Aug. 3, 2018.  It's a historical documentary debunking the myths that have been perpetuated by the Democratic Party for decades.  It also shows the historical connections of Hitler, Mussolini, and the Democratic Party during WWI and WWII.  In addition, it showcases the comparisons of Lincoln's Presidency and the unfortunate similar situations President Trump is facing today. 

Some historical documentaries are long and boring.  This movie was completely the opposite.  From the opening scene to the end, I found it filled with cinematic intrigue, beauty, and intensity.  It made me cry to observe the reality that so many innocent people have suffered under such demonic ideologies throughout the decades.  On the other hand, I left feeling hopeful, knowing that good always overcomes evil.  Light always puts out darkness.  As John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."   

Death of a Nation has some pretty dramatic scenes in it and I would not recommend it to children as it is rated PG-13.  However, I would highly recommend it to anyone who is searching for truth, who loves America, and desires freedom.  Click here for the movie website to read the overview, get tickets, read about the author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, etc.  Also, check out the videos below to see the movie trailer and hear what a couple of YouTube channels are saying about the movie.

May the Holy Spirit shine His light of truth through you into a world of darkness so that we can be freed from deception.  May that freedom bless you and others In Jesus Name!