Super Food For Super Health


Last week I went to the dentist for a check up.  Something wasn't quite right with one of my molars.  Come to find out, one of my fillings had broken loose and had left a gap in my tooth.  During the discussion of the tooth, the hygienist commented that acidity in the mouth causes tooth decay.  I kinda knew that already, but hadn't paid much attention.

However, that conversation got me to thinking.  How could I change the pH balance in my mouth to prevent further tooth decay?  After researching a little bit on YouTube and Google, Chlorella kept appearing as a top result.  Now I've known about Chlorella for years and have seen the benefits in our family first hand.  I've taken it off and on through the years, but had never used it specifically to balance the pH in my mouth.  

So, I've been making a slurry and swishing it around in my mouth several minutes at a time, especially at bedtime.  I haven't been doing it long enough to give a full review, but I believe it is helping.  Consequently, I wanted to pass on the the wonderful benefits of this super food.  Even though it doesn't look like a food, you can take it as a food every day to improve your health.  You may find out it's just what you need.

Check out the links below for more information.  Taking Chlorella is an easy way to add green into your diet and enjoy all its benefits. 

3 John 2 says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers," so that you may be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!
