Leadership - The Apostolic Gifting


Apparently August is the month for leadership conferences and I've highlighted three that I've heard about below.  But before getting to those, please slowly read the quote above.  I think it really embodies the biblical model of the 5 Fold Ministry of Eph 4:11, "Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers."

Yes, the apostolic gift does bring leadership to the other four ministries.  However, it provides a relational support like a loving father vs. a narcissistic, controlling visionary.  From your knowledge of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), think about how Jesus acted vs. the Pharisees.  The Godhead is very circular in His structuring vs. pyramidal, but I digress.  That topic is for another day.  Let's get back to the leadership summits.

Recently my husband Bill went to the Leadership Summit at Willow Creek Church in Chicago, IL.  He really enjoyed it and found many of the speakers inspiring.  (Click here to find out more about the summit.)  In addition, I've been watching Turning Point USA's Young Women's Leadership Summit on YouTube.  Even though this summit is geared to young women interested in politics, I've enjoyed the stories and nuggets of truth for every day living, like the talks of Judge Jeanine Pirro, and Candace Owens. (Click here to watch more videos.)

Thirdly, Dr. Lance Wallnau is hosting his "Dream Trip" conference in Washington DC this weekend.  He is focusing in on his course titled "Your Ultimate Life Strategy".  I've done a portion of this course and found it very helpful.  (Click on titles for more information.)  To be a good leader you need to have a clear vision.  This course will help you clarify that vision.

Finally, if you want to be a better leader, whether you are CEO of your family, or CEO of a huge organization, follow the example of Jesus.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide, let the Bible give you the mind of Christ, and let the love of Father God keep you emotionally strong.  This combination will take you to victory, even when the journey gets really tough.

May you develop your leadership skills so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!

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