The Modern Day False Prophets

This video is explosive, passionate and politically charged.  Taking that into consideration, I really appreciated the boldness and biblical perspective Dr. Lance shares.  If you recall, I've mentioned Dr. Lance Wallnau multiple times (click here).  He wrote the book, "God's Chaos Candidate," referring to candidate Trump prophesying that Trump would be elected president.  The book was published the September before the November 2016 election.  Obviously his prophecy came true.

Since then, Dr. Lance has shared often through social media his spiritual take on political and current events.  I chose to share this video because he ties what's happening now so well with scripture.  It's a great bible study and I hope you find it helpful and encouraging.  This podcast was recorded this past Father's Day and posted June 21.  Because of the timely content of the video, I wanted to share it right away. 

Also, I highly recommend reading Eph 4:17-32 before watching the video.   This portion of scripture is the foundation verse for this blog section titled "Mind Renewal".  It's amazing how it all ties together with what is happening in our culture today.

As Dr. Lance quotes Jesus in Mark 4:24, may you "pay close attention to what you hear", so that "you will know the truth that sets you free" John 8:32, and be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name.