"Why Is Nobody Talking About This?"


This video featuring Denzel Washington, piggy backs with my last post regarding media (click here).  Not only do we need to "pay close attention to what you [we] hear," as it says in Mark 4:24, but we also need to "pay attention to how you [we] hear."  Luke 8:18

That is what this short video is about.  My favorite quote from Denzel starts at 0:22.  He says, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed."  So what do you do?  That's the question.  My answer is to "test all things, hold on to what is good. Stay away from every kind of evil. " 1 Thess 5:19-22  

Naturally the next question is, how do you know what is good or true?  My answer is again from scripture, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth." John 16:13  However, in order to hear the Holy Spirit, you must take the time to listen.  And that's the kicker.  What are you listening to, and how are you listening?  Are you listening to the media more than you are listening to God?  

Obviously technology is not bad.  It's an inanimate object.  It's how it's being used that needs to be analyzed.  If you can't break free from media and technology, then that's a good indication that maybe you need to check "what" you're listening to, and "how" you're listening. 

As born again Christians, the Holy Spirit lives in us (Eph 1:19-23), and gives us the power to keep our media/technology interactions in balance as we listen to Him.  As we renew our minds with God's word, Holy Spirit will lead us to the truth that will set us free from whatever we are addicted to, in this case media/technology. John 8:32.  This is why Jesus came to this earth to begin with, to set us free from Satan's hooks and enjoy the abundant life and love of Father God as beautifully outlined in Isaiah 61.

So, may your life be filled with the "fruit of the Spirit" (Galatians 5:23) as you pay attention to "what" and "how" you hear.  The result will be that your spirit will find a unity and alignment with the Holy Spirit, and you will definitely be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!