The Story That Made God Belly Laugh!!

Last week when talking with my friend Jennifer via FaceTime, she shared with me how much Graham Cooke had blessed her.  I remembered she had mentioned him before, when she and her husband were on furlough in the USA a year or two ago, but I had forgotten about him.  (Jennifer is my husband's cousin.  She and her husband Ted are missionaries in Ethiopia.  Click here to read more about them and give to their ministry.)

So, after talking with her last week, I decided to check out what videos Graham Cooke had on YouTube.  This one below caught my attention.  I've watched it three or four times and get such a good laugh out of his story.  The cool thing is that it has an awesome lesson to teach as well.  James 4:7 sums it up well, "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

May this simple story of defeating Satan's kingdom empower you, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!