1st Anniversary for G2E4.COM!


Wow!  June 28, 2018 marks the one year anniversary of the first post of G2E4.COM.  Looking at the numbers, I'm amazed that there are now over 100 posts, with thousands of page views, that have been seen by people from 30 countries!  Who would have thought that in the first year we would have had such a reach.  If you haven't yet joined the site, please click on the SUBSCRIBE button or (click here).

Many thanks goes to all of you who have shared these posts on your social media platforms.  Personally, social media is not my thing and I don't spend much time on the various platforms except YouTube.  However, I'm grateful to you who have passed the information on. Please continue to do so.  I know many people have been blessed because of the comments and emails I've received.  If you would like to comment or connect with me, please click on the CONTACT button or (click here).  I would love to hear from you!

A special thanks goes to all of you who have supported this site with your prayers, encouragement, and money.  This support provides the means to help meet the expenses,  grow the services, and emboldens me to do better and share more.  If you would like to financially contribute to this site, please click on the DONATE button or (click here).

Finally, my thanks goes to God for hard wiring me to be a watchman.  A night watchman to be exact, as I enjoy researching and writing mostly during the wee hours of the morning LOL!  I love pursuing truth and sharing it with others, especially when I know this information is helping others grow closer to God and fulfill their calling.


During this next year, I'm excited to continue sharing more great truths that inspire, challenge, and teach us of God's abundant love.  In addition, there are other plans in the hopper for expanding our information services, but I'll announce those in due time.  In the meantime, my desire is to connect the Body of Christ, and bridge the gap for those who believe in the beauty of the Creation Sabbath (Gen 2), in the context of the 5 fold ministries (Eph 4), especially the prophetic and apostoloic gifts.

My ongoing prayer is that you may be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!