Truth and Liberty Coalition


Monday, May 28, 2018 is Memorial day.  In Michigan, this holiday is the official beginning of summer and outdoor activities are in full swing.  But what is Memorial Day really about?  I did a little research and found this brief history from the All About History website.  "Memorial Day was first widely observed in May 1868. The celebration commemorated the sacrifices of the Civil War and the proclamation was made by General John A Logan. Following the proclamation, participants decorated graves of more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers. 

In years since World War 1, the day has become a celebration of honor for those who died in all America’s wars, as well as those who are Veterans and current members of the US military. 

In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday. The United States celebrates this holiday the last Monday of May.

Memorial Day Meaning – Reagan’s Speech
President Ronald Reagan is credited with reviving the practice of honoring Memorial Day and its meaning. One of his famous speeches was given at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day in 1986."  Read more here.

But what is the best way we can truly honor the fallen soldiers?  In addition to thanking a vet and the soldier's families, I think it is our duty to preserve the freedoms they died for by voting into office those who align themselves the closest with biblical principals.  Proverbs 28:2 says, "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.  But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability."

The midterm elections are happening throughout the summer, and I believe it is imperative to vote.  It may be hard to discern the best candidate, but I've discovered a website that can assist you.  The website is Truth and Liberty Coalition (here).  Below are a couple of great broadcasts that can help you have a better understanding what they are about.

May you have the Spirit of discernment so you can vote into office "wise and knowledgeable leaders that bring stability to our communities and nation," so that we can preserve the freedoms the fallen soldiers died for., and we can be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!