The Portal of the Cross


This weekend as we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, I would like for you to think about the cross in perhaps a new way.  Throughout Christendom the cross has been a destination to receive salvation.  This is 100% correct.  Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection were both victories that provided for our freedom from sin and our eternal salvation.  

But there's more!!  As important as the cross is, I don't think God ever wanted us to DWELL there.  Even though it is a place of victory, the cross is an ugly, bloody battle field.  Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life."   The way?  The way to what?  I believe the cross is a portal to something more.  I believe that it is a door that opened heaven to us.

Why is it that we need a door to heaven?  It's important so that we can have a relationship with Father God at His throne!!  The pinnacle point of the death and resurrection of Jesus was that we could KNOW Father God John 17:3, to restore the relationship with God that had been lost in the Garden of Eden.  Jesus broke the power of Satan's kingdom so that we could DWELL in the presence of the Most High God and experience the Peace that passes understanding Philippians 4:6-7.  "Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence."  Ephesians 3:12   Use your God given imagination to see yourself in Father God's lap.  He wants to hold you and give you peace.  His throne glows an emerald rainbow, the promise of eternal peace Revelation 4:3.

God Jesus throne of heaven.jpg

But there's more!!  As if it weren't amazing enough that not only did Jesus' death and resurrection free us from Satan's power, and open up the possibility to know the love and peace of Father God, there's still more!!  It also provided the opportunity to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.  Why is having the power of the Holy Spirit important?  Why do we need that?  We need the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat the works of the devil in our lives and the lives of those around us.  

Over the decades of my life I've observed professed Christians live miserable, fearful, and powerless lives.  Furthermore, they question whether they are even saved.  How sad!!  "They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!"  2 Timothy 3:5 

The truth is that Jesus' death and resurrection created a portal through Satan's kingdom/power, to give us freedom, eternal life, a restored relationship with Father God, and the power of the Holy Spirit to defeat the works of the devil and live an amazing life on earth as it is in heaven.  Jesus told His disciples that all authority was given to them to "heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!  Matthew 10:8   

I believe God wants YOU to start learning how to rule with Him on earth, and continue to "rule with Him age after age after age."  Revelation 22:5   Jesus said, "Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.  I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep."  John 10:9-11

May you go through the portal/gate of the cross to experience freedom and salvation, to experience the love and peace of Father God, and reign with Him on earth as it is in heaven through the power of the Holy Spirit.  May those experiences be a river of blessing to you and all those you come in contact with In Jesus Name! 


PS This is one of my favorite resurrection songs that expresses the truth that the cross was the End of the Beginning to something more.  Enjoy!