Social Justice - Part 1


About 10 years ago, the UN declared today, Feb. 20, World Day of Social Justice.  Ironically, the UN is one of the most openly anti-Semitic organizations, they do nothing about Female Genital Mutilation of Muslim girls, allow open slave markets in Libya, do nothing about rampant sex trafficking and pedophilia around the world, and allow a host of other social injustices as well.  It is common knowledge that it is a politically corrupt institution.  A few clicks on the internet and you'll find all the evidence you need.  Therefore, we must speak out and point to the truth of God's word.  

February is also Black History Month.  So, because of these two calendar events, I decided to do a series on social justice issues from a different perspective.  It will offend some, because truth is sometimes offensive, even when spoken in love.  To others, it will be encouraging, because truth sets us free.  My desire is that Ephesians 4 will be fulfilled - that God's people will mature, "till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God." Eph 4:13.

Unfortunately, there are so many unhealed social justice warriors, especially on college campuses, that have been taught to be offended and divisive.  Yes, the ugly truth is that there are injustices everywhere, and they need to be addressed with the respect and guidance of Ephesians 4.  However, unhealed victims victimize others.  God is calling us out of the ditches of hate and apathy to become roadrunners of healing, wholeness, and love.

In Part 1, we will highlight what 50+ Black Americans are saying on their YouTube channels and other misc. videos (see below).  It's not what you are used to hearing on all the media platforms.  I've been collecting these YouTube channels/videos for more than a year.  It's been refreshing and helpful to hear their perspective.  Even when their language gets a bit colorful, I hope that you will listen to their hearts.  As we do listen, I believe we can fulfill the vision and mission of Eph 4.

More YouTube channels with similar view points:  Peggy Hubbard, Diamond and Silk -The Viewers View, Kevin's Corner, Unite America First, David Harris Jr., Uber Guy, Brandon Tatum, Mind of Jamal, ICONSRKTNN Truth News NetworkThe Carl Jackson ShowAlden BynumShawn Dandridge, Political AverngerSGT DunsonTree Of Logic,  Jerry Eldred,  AfriSynergyNewsMason WeaverWayne DupreeDerrick Grayson,  Jermain Botsioofficer Sweetchuck, Mychal MassieMason WeaverAlfonzo Rachelbernytree66Terrence WilliamsThe Charles PatrickThe War on SJWsET WilliamsCarol M. SwainTaleeb Starkes, The Unplugged PodcastDerryck GreenJay FayzaLarry ElderMyNameIsJosephine, Micheal Whaley, Payne's PassionTyrusSheriff David ClarkeElbert Lee GuillorySonnie Johnson, and  African American Conservatives Townhall.

There are many more YouTube channels and videos along the same vein.  My point is this.  Just because we are being bombarded daily by the SJW, identity politics, virtue signaling, white privilege narratives by politicians and celebrities, in media, at church, at school, and Hollywood, it does not mean that it's the truth or mindset for all Black Americans or Americans in general, as the videos prove.  We've had diversity of skin color for a long time.  What happened to the diversity of thought?  Know the Truth so you can be healed and free, and have the courage to share the Truth to help others be healed and free too.

May you focus on becoming the best you, in the context of Eph 4, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!