HUD Secretary Ben Carson Launches EnVision Centers Initiative


As you probably already know, HUD Secretary Ben Carson is a Creation Sabbath keeper.  I'm so grateful to have a Godly man serving our country.  Proverbs 28:2 says, "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.  But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability." (NLT)

As I have been following Dr. Carson, I was excited to read about this initiative.  I've been wanting to share this announcement with you, and today seemed like the right time, even though it was released back in December, 2017.  By the way, this type of news you won't hear about on the alphabet fake news feeds either.  Nevertheless, I'm really hoping that these centers will help the inner cities prosper.

In addition, I believe this initiative really embodies the Philanthropic Capitalism concepts.  I'll be watching to see how it bears fruit.  Secretary Carson says,

 “While funding for HUD has increased over the last twenty years, the number of households served has remained the same. We need to think differently about how we can empower Americans to climb the ladder of success,” Secretary Carson said. “EnVision Centers are designed to help people take the first few steps towards self-sufficiency. Every household we are able to help graduate from HUD-assistance allows HUD to help one more family in need.”  

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder regarding EnVision Centers noted,

“We have made connecting hard-working Michiganders with high-demand, high-wage careers in the professional trades a priority and I appreciate that my federal partners are doing the same with EnVision Centers,” Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said. “By helping people get the training necessary to succeed in these fields, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is helping individuals earn a great future for themselves and their families while addressing a growing talent gap in the job market.”

Read entire press release announcement here.

The Four Pillars of Opportunity - the foundation of the Envision Center Initiative


May our nation continue to have wise, God fearing leaders, so that we all can be blessed to be a blessing In Jesus Name!