Merry Christmas! - Part 3/3

In this Merry Christmas series, I’ve been talking about the verses that stood out to me in Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth in Luke 1-2. In Part 1/3, I shared my take on what Gabriel said. In Part 2/3, I wrote about the songs that came to mind as I read the story. In this blog, Part 3/3, what stood out to me were the two verses that referred to Jesus growing up.


“39 When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. 40 There the child grew up healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.” Luke 2:39-40

“52 Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.” Luke 2:52

After reading these verses I asked myself, how am I going to grow this new year? How have I grown up this past year? As I thought about it, a big smile came to my face. God has so blessed us this past year with practical and very helpful information that has really transformed our thinking and consequently our lives.

In March, we started listening to Andrew Wommack and reading his book “You’ve Already Got It”. Click here for my blogs about Andrew. In May, we started praying the Offering Prayers of Bethel Church with amazing results click here. My family saw financial increase, a great job opportunity, winning third place that had a cash prize etc.

In the fall, we found out how to get rid of back pain, click here, and how to cut a 30 year mortgage to 5-7 years click here. In addition, we have been growing in our understanding of the currency of God’s kingdom and having an attitude of upgrade, no matter the situation click here.

Unfortunately, some of our friends have had horrific situations this past year and our hearts go out to them. I pray the upgrade they experience is the very strong loving presence of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. While some have experienced devastating loss, others have been emotionally burned out.

For example, one friend of ours was in despair. Everything in his life was stressful, particularly his job. We prayed with him and encouraged him with this attitude of upgrade. Amazingly it was only a few weeks later when he called to tell us he had been offered a better job, with better pay, closer to his home. Yeah God for renewing our minds and showing us how to use the currency of faith instead of fear!


These are just a few of the many blessings we experienced this year, and we are very grateful for God’s goodness! I’m so excited to see what truth God is going to bring us this next year so that we can grow in wisdom and favor with God and man.

My prayer is that the information you find on this blog will be the truth that sets you free. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will experience awesome growth this new year, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!