9 Ways To Give Gifts Without Spending Money


Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals are in the past, you might be looking for other ways to give gifts, without spending money. In the video below, Talaat and Tai McNeely, of the His and Her Money YouTube channel that I posted about before here, share some creative ways to give. I think their suggestions reflect what Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

Our family loves to give! Not only do we enjoy giving tithes and offerings to great ministries here and abroad throughout the year, but we enjoy giving in other ways as well, like the suggestions on the video. When the kids were younger, we helped with the Holiday Food Drive, served food at the local community center, and sang Christmas carols with friends to their elderly neighbors. There are so many ways to give that brings everyone a blessing.

Yes, it’s fun to give each other gifts and we’ve done that for years, but now that the kids are adults, we like to focus on meaningful experiences vs. a lot of stuff. For example, no matter where we are for Christmas, we enjoy making up a treasure hunt in the place we are staying. We make up clues and hide them around the place. The treasure is typically a little gift at the end, but ultimately it’s enjoying a family tradition together.

What’s the best gift that you’ve been given? Things are nice to receive, but my favorite gifts have involved quality time, fun and/or meaningful experiences. God’s perfect gift of love came in the form of a baby. Jesus came and gave His life so we could have “life and it more abundantly.” John 10:10 It didn’t cost any money per se, but what a priceless gift!!

May you take the time this holiday season to experience the joy of giving without spending money, so that you will be blessed and be a blessing In Jesus Name!